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Executive Coaching - Diagnostics

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State-of-the-art diagnostic instruments support your process.

As input for our executive coaching we can make use of science based psychometric models or assessment. Some of our default instruments are:

  1. Immunity to ChangeTM mapping (Robert Kegan – Harvard Business School)

  2. This methodology allows individuals to reveal, in a structured and co-creative way, what hidden commitments are competing with change goals or their commitments to change. It visualises one’s basic assumptions (organising principles) that feed this ‘immune system to change’ and allows for action on deeper levels towards sustainable growth.

  1. MBTITM (O.P.P.)

  2. The MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) questionnaire provides a highly insightful framework for individual development, provoking self-awareness by looking at how a person perceives the world and how they prefer to interact with others. The MBTI instrument sorts individuals into psychological 'types' so that they can identify how they are similar to some people and different to others, and how they can improve their working and personal relationships in a positive and constructive way.

  1. Leadership Circle ProfileTM  (TLC - The Leadership CircleTM)

  2. The Leadership Circle Profile is designed to accelerate leadership effectiveness beyond the traditional competency-based approaches. It is the only 360-degree competency assessment that simultaneously provides focused competency feedback while revealing the underlying assumptions that are causing a leader’s pattern of strengths and limitations.

  1. TKITM -Thomas Killman Conflict Mode Instrument (O.P.P.)

  2. This model and diagnostic assessment boosts awareness around the choices one has in dealing with conflict situations. It reveals the individual preferred conflict styles (i.e. 5 styles on axes of assertiveness and willingness) and addresses the effect on conflict handling capabilities.