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Team Coaching - Outcomes

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The payoff of Team Coaching for the team as well as for the organisation will depend strongly on your own needs. However we can share some feedback of others clients on the impact the coaching experience has had on them.


  Feedback from individuals / teams

  1. assessment report revealing a portrait of how the team sees itself, giving clear direction for change

  2. pro-active and more skilful conflict management

  3. open and creative conversations about missions, goals, priorities

  4. team contract for times of conflict of opinions

  5. clarity in roles, responsibilities, decision making

  6. transition from problems to developing solutions

  7. engagement in conflict for the sake of team goals

  8. accountability structures to ensure follow through

  9. learning listening with a ‘systems’-ear to what and how the team is bringing to the surface

  Feedback from sponsoring organisations

  1. alignment of the board ensuring faster cascading of decisions

  2. smoother cultural integration with merger of key strategic teams (HQ, leadership, innovation, ...)

  3. more creativity of cross-functional innovation team

  4. reconnecting the leadership team with its essence

  5. establishment of effective ‘glo-cal’ (virtual) communication

  6. increased transparency and communication between departments

  7. constructive mediation and conflict resolution

  8. ‘High Positivity - High Productivity’ team performance