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Team Coaching - Approach

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We work with the team as a system.

We believe that a team is a dynamic system, which exerts tremendous influence on what gets done and how it gets done. It has its unique personality and temperament, vision, culture with both spoken and unspoken rules and values.

Therefore we coach teams as a living entity that has a life apart for the individual personalities and their interrelationships. We often use a systems approach, drawing from the best of coaching, positive psychology, organisational development, mediation, neuro-science, process work and general systems theory.

We leverage team performance by moving the team into a team mindset and by creating a specific team skillset that will ultimately release the generative power of the team.

We support sustainable change.

Our team coaching support is much more than a team building exercise. It is a methodology that supports change over time. The approach provides a new model that describes the conditions necessary to create sustainable, high performing teams.

We train and support the team in addressing the issues that are crucial to the team’s performance. The team skills and competencies that members learn here are integrated into every team. Our coaching approach helps creating an environment that invites stronger overall engagement, thus supporting sustainable change.